Naqeeb's Blog
Naqeeb Ahmed

Naqeeb Ahmed

Jan 22, 2022

What Is Internet Of Things (IoT): IoT's Pros And Cons.

You must have heard the in about the Internet Of Things. Its in talk for quite some time. If you are aware of it then this blog is absolutely for you. as we will discuss what it is, its pros and its cons.

So Friends, while we talk about the internet of things I just want to explain it in a very general language. As we communicate with each other, we have a common language to communicate with each other. same way if I say that all the smart devices around us (Which are so many). Be it a smartphone, smartwatch, smart camera... fitness band and much more countless.. if they communicate with each other the common language or the common platform they use. ..we will call it "Internet of Things". 

I'll explain it with example. .that how they will communicate and why will they communicate ...What's the need.. for them to communicate? Let's start with an example that we can call is a part of IoT .. say suppose we have a fitness band. you all know what a fitness band is. this fitness band is connected to your smartphone. now, this fitness band collects all the health data from our body and send it to our smartphone. And the smartphone then analyse the data and give the best possible info regarding our health. so there is a kind of communication b/w these devices. and this is the concept that all these devices communicate among each other and transfer useful data which can be saved in the cloud storage. This will reduce our involvement and these devices will do it themselves. this will save a lot of our time.


Now I'll give another example suppose we have a car ..and we know they have sensors nowadays they inform us about the air pressure or regarding seat belts and many different things so the car kind of communicates with us after communicating with its sensors about any problem that is in the car and displays a message or voice message regarding the problem. so all the sensors in the car communicate with each other now what can be done here is as you must have seen in expensive cars that they are plugged in to fetch the data from it to manufacturers system data about the engine performance and every other thing, for now, this is all done manually and to some extend it is automated developers are working to add a gateway in the car which can transmit data to the cloud. It's not just about the car but about every device information should be transmitted to cloud where it can be analysed and important information can be derived from it which can turn out to be very useful in every field we were talking about the car suppose that car transmits the data and manufacturer receive that data report or you can say that there is a issue in the break and car transmit the data that there is such kind of issue in the car and manufacturer receive that data manufacturer can inform you about the issue on you phone and you can get an appointment. the manufacturer can even check their store for that spare part and they can inform you about it and you can visit and get it replaced. the manufacturer can also find out whether this problem with this car or even other cars. this all information can be collected and can find out that those breaks with the problems were manufactured in which assembly or which batch or which factory and this can enhance there production and can be very helpful.  I'll give you one another example, there are traffic cameras installed on roads suppose there is some congestion or jam on the road or an accident .these cameras are transmitting the information to the gateway and that gateway passes it to cloud server and ambulance can be called automatically and informed about the location of the accident and the same information can be transmitted to traffic control and traffic control can display a message on a digital signboard nearby about the accident and ask to take a diversion. Now If that person was wearing a fitness band all the health info can be taken by the ambulance staff and can be sent to the doctor before reaching the hospital all the critical information can be accessed.. all the formalities could be done in advance giving some extra minutes to doctors... to study the patient which was to be done later.. This can be very helpful.

Now discuss the cons of IoT At present, it is observed that the younger generation is a technology freak and they depend upon technology and its devices for every little thing. With the help of IoT, this dependency will become even more in daily routines. No application is free from fault and there are some hitches in each technical application. Totally relying on IoT devices may create trouble in case of a non-working or crash of an IoT infrastructure. You Will also lose your privacy with IoT, As there is the involvement of different technologies and devices, there is monitoring by more than one company, which directly questions the security and privacy issues. Data retrieval and storage also becomes a major concern for the companies because all of them are involved at the same time. In the case of keeping only one company, it may lead to the question of domination. IoT can also lead to unemployment, With IoT, daily activities getting automated and naturally, there will be fewer requirements of human resources and less educated staff, which may create employment issues in the society. And Complexity of the system leads to the failure of the one day.

Naqeeb Ahmed

Naqeeb Ahmed

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